Monday, June 11, 2007

Olivia P.'s Reflection

During the time that I have been working on this blog, I have never seen such inhumane actions done by a government since the Holocaust. People are being slaughtered like pigs for their rights that they deserve. Over 250,000 people were killed just in the first war, there are still deaths happening now even after the second war has ended. This is not right; people should not be murdered as if they’re inhuman. The Chechens are Slavic, just as the Russians are. They are the same, and should get along, not fight. It started when Chechnya tried to gain it’s independence, but Russia did not want them to leave from the country and after four years the Russian army came in and started to attack. The Chechens fought back, winning the first war, but did not stop the army from taking innocent lives. The second war had started, creating more conflict when Russia said they were only trying to get rid of some traitors that were hidden in the mountains. Chechnya soon caught on to their plans, starting the second Chechen war. This ended in 2003 when a constitution was created to stop the fighting. But since then, there have been terrorist attacks on Hospitals, planes and one in a movie theatre in Moscow which killed 300 civilians. That’s going a little too far, but the Russians should strike some sort of peace treaty with the Chechens so no one else gets killed and no more wars are started.
The government was the greatest director of the war on Russia’s side. Russia and Chechnya are the only two countries in this. I would say this is stupid since Russia hasn’t gone after any other countries that have broken away. They’re using all their troops on Chechnya as if it’s the most important country to keep around. They haven’t created any laws against the country, the Russians have actually let them have their own president since the second war has ended, but they’re still a part of Russia.
I think these people were tortured and killed because the Russians wanted the government to surrender. They probably thought that if they slaughtered off the people, the government would give in so the others could survive. When the Chechens didn’t surrender, more killing went on but the Chechens fought back. The Russian’s plan, by my beliefs, was denied since Chechnya never gave in.
This event is still going on today. The wars might have ended, since the first war started in 1994 until 1996 and the second war was in 1999 to 2003, but there is still killing and pain and suffering all around the two countries. Chechnya is still stooping to terrorism, killing hundreds of Russian civilians. This is like the war in Iraq, many civilians getting massacred on the streets like in the beginning of the war. The agony of this all will affect all the countries, Russia, Chechnya, and Iraq, for the rest of their existences. The bonds between the countries, Russia to Chechnya and America to Iraq, will never be the same. No matter how hard they try.
The result of this event has yet to be known. The two countries have taken a break from the war, but human rights have not been completely given to Chechens. There is still horror every day as long as the two countries are at war. There will be no compromise until the end of the war has been created.

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