Sunday, June 10, 2007

Who was involved

There is no evidence for sure that the Russian government leadership is conducting this event, but it can be assumed. Russia seems to be getting away with this by limiting the proof of their actions. They do things under the table and hide the evidence, denying having to do with it. For example, thousands of homes have been searched by Russian troops, taking all valubles. But of course there are no official records of most of these searches. They continue to cover up their footprints, destroying all evidence. An example of this is when they detain people. More often than not, the dissappeared people are last seen in custody of Russian troops. Russia seems to be getting away with this by limiting the proof of their actions. They do things under the table and hide the evidence, denying having to do with it. But, it is obvious that the government is killing anyone who has to do with it.

The second Chechen war was started by Vladimir Putin, current president of Russia. It started off as a very popular movement, but according to a 2007 poll, 70% of people in Russia believe this should stop. There was never anything issued in Russia that stated the Chechens were inferior, yet one wonders why so many innocent civilians were killed. The fact is that even though nothing similar to the Nuremberg laws was ever issued, there was, and still are major violations of human rights occurring in Chechnya today. The most common case of violations is the numerous interrogations and torturing of innocent standbyers. According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, cruel, inhumane punishments are not to be used on prisoners. Yet, the Russian government continues the use of these every day. People are dragged from their homes without being told where they are being taken or why, and are subjected to horrible punishments and threats. These range from threatening to hurt the victim's family to making a victim suffer powerful electric shocks. Putin and his followers have violated these people's human rights, but nothing is being done about it.

Christina, Kate, Caleigh

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